Tuesday, October 04, 2005

more fun from alt.british.comedy

"They won't. It was a product of the 70s when racism was accepted by many, wife beating was the woman's fault and institutionalised homophobia was all the rage.

"Thank goodness we've grown up."

I really hope that last line is sarcastic, but I honestly can't tell. Dry British humor is even more difficult when written.

A response to that was:

"Why is it 'cool' for people like the Kumars to poke fun at the British, but uncool for us to laugh at anyone else ? Are we, the brits, not a race ? if not, then what category do we fall into that allows someone to be racist against us ? I'm not racist, I just prefer equality. There seems to be a lack of it these days, and I for one feel in the minority group.
"Why is there no standard bearers fighting for our cause ?
"Comedy, and the BBC seems to be stuck in a rut between Britophobic &

I guess he's never heard of postmodernism and identity politics.

This must be the mentality that spawned the Yorkie chocolate bar ads- oh, woe is the straight white bourgeois male, look, isn't he oppressed!

Another response to the first post, and my personal favorite:

"Leave the UK to it's politically-correct, homo-pervert-lov ing, anti-family, anti-white, criminal-adoring,over-liberal Bliar govt.

Let it fill up to the brim with disease ridden, non-English speaking parasites ... all with their hands held out in expectation.

.... then, the rest rest of us (who HAVE contribute d, all our working lives) ... will leave in droves, with what's left of our over-taxed , hard-earned savings ... as we are doing now.

In ten years time, there'll be nobody left here that's stupid enough to work & be taxed to the hilt to keep a MAJORITY o f iliterate, unskilled, feckless parasites.

'Homosexuality is a chosen, criminal, sick perversion. A.I.D.S is the
perfect cure'."

Maybe s/he's right. Maybe bringing back Thatcher is a solution to all these new-fangled hippie-liberal ideas...

Or el se s/he should move to the States and join the half of us that share a similar mentality. (I think it's about time Brits get to say to other Brits: "If you don't like it, leave.") Hey, at least we don't have nationalized health care to take care of th e pa rasites, s/he should appreciate that.

Feel free to email this person: spamremovehumej69@hotmail.com


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